Friday, February 25, 2005

Peter Jennings UFO: Seeing is Believing

Say What?

Peter Jennings UFO’s: Seeing is Believing, defies its own title. Unlike his provocative special on JFK’s assassination, this special was loaded with poorly rehashed accounts offering no new insight in the process. There were no evaluations, tests, or interesting theories offered to support or debunk the subject matter. In fact throughout the two hour show there was nothing remotely provocative to attempt to engage the audience at any level. It was as if someone decided to make a video bookmark of known events that have happened for the past 60 years. There was virtually nothing new to see worth believing.

The pace of the show was plodding while the individual cases, points and interviews felt poorly pasted together. This made for a very bland and ultimately very boring show. By the 2nd hour I was contemplating turning it off. I can’t imagine anyone who is aged 30 or over watched the show feeling it could have been cut to 30 minutes and accomplished the same end effect.

Peter Jennings UFO: Seeing is Believeing would have been better called UFO’s: A History, UFO’s: Timeline, or UFO’s: A retelling. There simply wasn’t any investigative effort or point to this 2 hour ramble.

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