Monday, February 14, 2005

Mars to Order

Mars in a Heartbeat

Even with our advances in space sciences real space travel still sounds like Science Fiction. The kind of travel that involves man not space probes to dart through our solar system. Even with all the unmanned probes there has been accidents. Knowing that sending a man to Mars doesn’t appear realizable, practical, and let alone safe.

Opening the door to more practical and clearly grayer areas gives both creativity and controversy equal play.

Astronauts to Order

Bio-engineering, Nano technologies, bio-electronics, cell harvesting, and cloning are just some of the ideas I’ve put together to produce a short story. Can it be done? Maybe not at the moment, but the seeds of curiosity and necessity have already been planted.

This ultimately events will challenge mans ethical standards. When do we cross the line of expanding the human condition to the optimal remaking of a human species? Will there ever be the prototype human? Who would be in favor of it and who would try and stop it?

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